Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"These are a few of my favorite things . . . "

Man, I didn't realize how long it has been since I last posted. Things have been crazy and I've been lazy. I feel like so much has gone on in the time in between that I'm not even sure where to start.

In my last post I talked about being able to eat whatever I want. I've started to eat a variety of foods but this past weekend I went to Assumption and ate something my stomach didn't like too much. The only problem is that I was so caught up in seeing my friends that I wasn't paying attention and I have NO IDEA what it was that bothered my stomach. I have tried different types of meat, including my favorite . . . STEAK!! That seemed to go over fairly well. I'm still recovering and can't wait until all this recovery sh*t is over.

I'm heading back to work on Monday. I'll be working Monday to Friday from 4-6 and every other Saturday from 8-5. It pays pretty well, and seeing as though I haven't worked in . . . 2 months I NEED the MONEY! Also, I'm sick of sitting around the house. I try to keep myself busy but there is only so much I can do on my own before I get bored. I was working 3 jobs up until the day before my surgery. And then I was ripped of my sanity, and my colon!! :-/. I'm the type of girl that needs to stay busy. I hate just sitting around the house doing nothing; hence why I can't wait to start working.

Also in my last post, I mentioned that my Nana was doing well. I have since gotten to visit her twice. I saw her once last week with my mom and my aunt. While we were there, there was a sing-a-long being played on the tv. My Nana sang right along. She loves to sing and she has a gorgeous voice. While she was singing my mom took me to her room to show it to me and my aunt stayed with her. When we got back my aunt was laughing so hard, I asked why and apparently when one of the songs came on my Nana explained that "This song makes me want to strip." I wonder why she would ever come up with something like that. She sang "Bicycle Built for Two" and I cried. That was her, she always loved singing and to hear her do it made me feel so much better.

Then I went to visit her yesturday. When we got there she was eating lunch so we brought her some new clothes and put them in her room. Then when she came out the nurse had a pair of sneakers for her to try on that we had brought. He told her to walk around on them and that we would go with her. So we did and while we were walking she put her arm down and grabbed onto my hand. I'm not sure why but it meant a lot to me. My nana who supported her five children and all of her grandkids now needs all of us for support. Granted she doesn't know what is going on - and never will. But she does, she needs all of our love and support. After doing one "lap" of her floor we brought her back and then nurse cut the tags off the shoes and wrote her name on them. We then took her into the little common room. When we went in there there was a CD playing and it was playing the musical version of "These are a few of my favorite things." She began humming to the music and then I, even though I can't sing for crap, began to sing the words. She picked right up and sang the entire rest of the song. It was almost amazing.

She seems to be doing much better in the nursing home than she ever was at the assisted living. I almost wish we avoided the assissted living completely.

On Sunday, my family and I will participate in the Memory Walk. The walk is to raise money and awareness for alzheimers. Unfortunately, I haven't raised any money yet. I should probably get on that.

Thats really been it. I hope to post again in a few days. So check back!!

1 comment:

G said...

Nice post, K. Love you.