Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's been awhile . . .

So it's been a reall long time since my last post, in fact I don't even know when my last post actually was.

Anyway, as usual life has been crazy and I've been too wrapped up in school work to other things to blog but today is Thanksgiving, a holiday, time to rest and enjoy the company of family and friends but for some reason, I still find stress in all of it.

I've come to the conclusion that I want to be a kid again. I don't want to have any worries in the world. I want my best friends, to be my best friends. I want boys to have cooties, I want sleepovers to be special because you get to stay up til like 11 o'clock and that is late. I want a lot of homework to be a couple worksheets that will take up to an hour tops. I want my mom to pick out my clothes everyday but still be young enough that I don't care what I'm wearing so I don't argue with her. I don't want to worry about what I look like or how much weight I've put on. I want to be able to run around and get dirty and not have a care in the world. I think it is so ironic that when we are young we can't wait to grow up and do what all the big kids do. Why do we wish away our childhood so much? I wish I could go back in time - but this time, stay a kid forever.

Anyway, off to see Nana at the nursing home - hopefully I can relax a little and ignore the fact that my binder full of work to do is sitting next to me staring me in the face. Humphh.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!