Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Time heals all wounds!"

It has been said that, "time heals all wounds." Why can't the amount of time the wound takes to heal be known. I know that sounds ridiculous but I don't know how much longer I can handle this.

In my last post, I talked about regret. I mentioned a particular situation where I ended up completely regreting both my words and my actions. That "best friend" that I was afraid of losing has yet to determine whether or not he still wants to be with me. The whole "argument," if you will, started two weeks ago yesturday. Since that time I have talked to him a total of two times, and nothing could hurt more. I talk to almost everyone about it, because I am obsessing over it. I want him to stick around, to trust me, and to believe me when I say that I'm working on it, that I am really trying to be a better, more positive, person. I have no idea what is going on in his head, and what his intentions are. I want to talk to him, but everyone keeps telling me to let him come to me. My only problem is I'm so afraid he never will. Granted, if he doesn't then this was obviously never meant to be, but I can't accept that just yet. Some people have told me that it is time for me to pick up my life and move on, but I can't - I'm not ready to. Right now, I want to hold on to the hope that everything will eventually be okay. Yes, I know that things will never go back to normal and thats okay. There are things that need to change anyway, things that I didn't realize needed to change until this all happened. I guess I can look at this and think that this "time" has been for the better, that is if it works out in the end.

In the mean time, my fingers are crossed, and I hope yours are too ;-)

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