Thursday, October 16, 2008

Way to start another day . . .

I had a bad dream last night. The dream was that I screwed up my bank account. So I woke up out of the dream, grabbed my laptop and immediately checked my account. Sure enough, my dream became reality.

I had written the check for my car payment thinking that by the time they received it I would have this weeks paycheck in the bank. WRONG-O!! The check was cashed, my account was overdrawn, and then I was charged that stupid $30 fee. I'll put my check in the bank today and it won't be overdrawn anymore, but im still out $30 bucks. Thats a friggin full tank of gas for me. Not to mention, in the pending withdrawls, I was charged twice for the Cheesy breadsticks and soda I bought last night for my fat ass. What a day . . . not to mention, it is ONLY 10:34

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