Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dean's List

For the first semester of my Freshman year in college I worked hard enough and made Dean's List at my school. The semester following that, but before my medical leave, I missed Dean's List by a .02, EVERYTIME!! Last semester, I was no where near making Dean's List but for whatever reason, I was okay with that. Taking a year off from school and making the decision to go back was hard enough. Rather than wrapping myself up in school work, I enjoyed my friends. I had fun, I was irresponsible, and I was happy. It was easy to do as the semester went on, but when I recieved my grades it was everything but okay. Returning to school this fall, I was determined to bring up my grades and I did. It is hard because I'm a smart girl, but I need to work for my good grades. I found myself constantly sitting at my desk focusing on school work. I'm not sure quite why but I did. Regardless, I still didn't make Dean's List. However, I brought up my grades by A LOT - so I was still happy.

On a happier note, I was informed by my doctor that my health has finally made Dean's List!! When I tell you it is the greatest feeling in the world, I'm not joking. Right before Christmas, I had my typical checkup with my surgeon. I told him about pain that I had been experiencing and he ran a bunch of tests through bloodwork. I emailed my nurse just a couple days ago and she replied with the most uplifting news. The part that meant the most to me, was that she was just as excited as I was. Like, she was proud to tell me that news. The way I'm trying to look at this is that it is a sign - this e-mail was the first interaction I had with any of my doctors in 2010 so I'm hoping this means I will be having a happy, and healthy New Year.

Here's hoping the same to all of you


Uncle Billy said...

Great to hear. Keep up the good work and take care of your health.

G said...

WOO WOO!!! Good job not beating yourself up over the Dean's List!! Everyone gets the same diploma, remember?!?!?

Glad your health is on the up and up!
Love you lots!